
This is the blog where I will answer questions from the "Big Book Of If" Volume 3.


a lil' something
Prayed for an angel To come in the night to Turn some sweet light on me You are some kind of miracle to me...

Friday, March 21, 2003

Sascha got the whole book! Yay! So we're gonna play again. :-)

If you found out that there is no afterlife in any sense, how would you change your life?

BeENa: Oooh... Man I dunno. That's messed up. I guess I wouldn't change much, but suicide wouldn't be a definite "no" all the time.
Sascha: I would sell out all my books on the afterlife before anyone else found out and take the money made on them to fly out to Vegas.

If you could have any room in the world become your bedroom from now on, which room would you choose?

BeENa: Man just one room? Then I'll say a room full of money and gorgeous people who adore me and only live to please me. Hee Hee!
Sascha See I took it different way meaning a 'room' like living'room' LOL I would have my room be a vault or something of that sort a vault at the bank.

If you could have the sex life of any person from history, but remain yourself, who would you choose?

BeENa: Madonna!
Sascha: I say Clinton cause he OBVIOUSLY getting some LOL

If you were to name the best place that you ever made love, where would you say it was?

BeENa: Boring, but on my bed. LOL
Sascha: In the car I took for the night from parents or in a tent, camping.
Sascha's Ma: On a mountain, in a grassy field like area.

If you had to be the underwear of someone famous, who would you choose to wear you?

BeENa: Jennifer Lopez, just so I could say I was that close to that ass.
Sascha's Ma: Rosie O'Donnell
Sascha: Shannon Elizabeth

If you had to select any single manmade object that best represents your personality, what would it be?

BeENaA Furby: Nobody understands what it says, but it's always upbeat, loves to be held, and even if you ignore it for a long time it will still love you when you come back.
Sascha: An airplane or elevator cause they go up and down all day.
Sascha's Ma: Water fountain - because it is so easy for me to start crying

If you had to sell your soul for one thing, what would it be?

BeENa: Ouch... Well since I'm Catholic I don't think I ever really COULD sell my soul, but for our purposes here I'll say true love.
Sascha: For my husband to be an NHL player. That way we would be taken care of financially and he'd be doing what he loved.
Sascha's Ma: That none of my children would ever have to suffer in any way.

If you had to define "love" in a few simple words, how would you do it?

BeENa: Honesty, Empathy, and Selflessness (sp?)
Sascha: Love is something that you DO
Dougie: Pure and Simple
Sascha's Ma: love is not a feeling - love is an action

If you were to recall the strangest physical thing you've ever had happen during lovemaking, how would you describe it?

BeENa: Well nothing really strange has ever happened to me WHILE lovemaking, but a few times afterwards I couldn't support myself standing cause my legs were so weak.
Sascha: Dougie trying to figure out what I was trying to have him do ending up sitting between my legs facing opposite of me.
Sascha's Ma: The only I can think of is that I started laughing and couldn't stop, and I didn't even know why I was laughing.

If you had your choice of a sexual position, and your partner chose something else, which would you end up doing??

BeENa: Not mine. I really submissive usually.
Sascha: End up doing what he wanted and THEN what I wanted ;-)
Sascha's Ma: I'm selfish in that department. I'm first, then what he wants. If I'm not too tired!!

If you were to be tied naked in bed and have your lover melt an ice cube on a single part of your body, without touching you otherwise, where would you want them to melt it?

BeENa: Either right down the middle of my back or across my collarbone.
Sascha:I have to say my navel
Sascha's Ma:Would never be tied up, that goes along with the phobia of being forced in a way. But the ice cube part would be in the middle lower part of my back.

If you could redesign the uniforms of any sports team, which team would it be, and what changes would you make?

BeENa: Notre Dame's jerseys, and I'd put the names of the players on the back.
Sascha: Soccer, their socks would be clear.
Dougie: Dallas Stars, I'd add some purple.
Sascha's Ma: The sumo wrestler's. Let's get those big ugly butts covered up!!
+switched off@10:51 PM


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