
This is the blog where I will answer questions from the "Big Book Of If" Volume 3.


a lil' something
Prayed for an angel To come in the night to Turn some sweet light on me You are some kind of miracle to me...

Friday, March 07, 2003

For a change, Sascha is gonna play too yay!!! (And my mom, on a few questions)

If you could rent a billboard to say something about love, what would you write, and where would you want it placed?

Me: Love is for suckers, and put it outside every strip club.
Ma: Love SUCKS, and put it EVERYWHERE.
Sascha: Same as Ma.
Dougie: (Sascha's Hubby): McDonald's, and Next Right. (Loves McDonalds!)

If you could have a sensuous massage every day from anyone famous, who would you choose?

Me: D'Angelo. Ma to the done!! His hands are wonderful.
Ma: Antonio Banderas or Denzel Washington.
Sascha: Antonio Banderas.

If you had to pick the closest you have ever come to being caught in the act, when would it be?

Me: When Larry was umm.... servicing me in the living room and Holly was asleep on the couch right across from us. That's pretty bad isn't it?
Ma: When Mike almost caught me with Junior.
Sascha: Well we have been caught by the kids if that counts.

If you could give a prize for lovemaking to one person you have known, who would win it, and what would the prize be?

Me: Larry, and he would get the Energizer Bunny Trophy cause he keeps going and going and going...
Ma: Junior, and the prize would be a thousand dollars.
Sascha: Merced, and Best Performance.

If you could find out something about your lover's sex life before you knew them, what would you ask about?

Me: Considering I don't really have a lover right now... Drawing from past experience I would ask if they ever had sex with a friend of theirs and still remained friends.
Ma: How big their weiner is.
Me: *Hysterically cracks up*
Sascha: If they knew more than missionary position.

If you could buy any sex toy for yourself, what would it be, what would you name it, and how much would you pay for it?

Me: Larry, Larry, and whatever I took!
Ma: A vibrator, Donkey, and 29.95! *Smiles real big*
Me: *Shoots Ma suspicious look* ô¿o Uh...Okay.
Sascha: A vibe, no more than $30, and Dixie.

If you had to name the cutest romantic habit your lover has, what would you say?

Me: I'll use Larry for it... And say... He gets ticklish on his pelvic bone when he's "vulnerable". Normally he is SO not ticklish and can control even if he thought he'd be.
Sascha: Asking me for a kiss.
Me: I not asking Ma this one... Too much info methinks.

If you had to pick one smell you most readily associate with sex, what would it be?

Me: Axe Deoderant or Obsession for Men.
Sascha: Lilacs or Adidas Cologne/Aftershave.

If every time you masturbated in the next year you had to be observed by one person you know platonically, who would you pick?

Me: Shit... I dunno. I would say that I would quit altogether, but that would be a big ass lie. Maybe Keef. He would dig it the most and having to do it in front of him might drive me to stop. LMAO
Sascha: If I have to choose it would be Andrew.

If you had to choose your own sexiest characteristic, what would it be?

Me: Ugh I don't think I'm sexy at all. From what Morry has said though, it's a certain "come hither" look I give when I'm horny.
Sascha: My eyes.

If you were to choose the person you find quite sexy despite being otherwise unattractive, who would you pick?

Me: My friend Mark, who some people might not find traditionally attractive, is sexier than a motherfucker. As for a celebrity, I'd have to say Wesley Snipes. U-G-L-Y but sexy.
Sascha: I don't know anybody personally I can say that about, but that chick from "Unfaithful" was 'sexy' but I didn't find her 'attractive.'

If the feelings you experience in your genitals during orgasm could be replicated in one other part of your body every time you did one nonsexual thing, where would you want to feel it and during what activity?

Me: Probably something mundane like dishes or laundry so it would get me to do them more often. And anywhere if it was the same feeling! My house would be spic 'n span!
Sascha: LOL, was going to say playing on the computer but I like cleaning better LOL, I'd get things done more often as well ;)

If you could only make love in one position for the rest of your life, which position would you want it to be?

Sascha: Me on top.
Me: I would say Doggie Style, but then I could never look in his eyes. So Missionary.
+switched off@10:01 PM


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