
This is the blog where I will answer questions from the "Big Book Of If" Volume 3.


a lil' something
Prayed for an angel To come in the night to Turn some sweet light on me You are some kind of miracle to me...

Saturday, February 22, 2003

If you had to make love under a giant photograph of one member of your family, who would you want it to be, and who wouldn't you want it to be?

I would want it to be my baby cousin Jared, just so I could know that good can come of having sex. I wouldn't want it to be my cousin Roxanne cause she's perfect and I want my guy thinking of ME and not her. LOL

If you could say "I love you" only one more time, who would you say it to?

My sister, cause she needs to hear it more than anybody else I have ever known.

If you were to name a nonsexual thing that always arouses you, what would it be?

A good wrestling match or the sound of a good hit in a football game.

If you could give one piece of sexual advice to the opposite gender, what would it be?

If a woman is shifting to move you into the right position, don't try to fight to stay where you were. Trust us, we know where we want you.

If you had to name the most beautiful or impressive wedding/engagement ring you have ever seen, whose would it be?

Jennifer Lopez's pink heart shaped diamond ring from Ben Affleck. That is the most beautiful piece of jewelry I've ever seen.

If you were the opposite sex for a year, what one sexual thing would you never do with a lover?

I wouldn't have anal sex as a receiver, so I definitely wouldn't as a giver either.
+switched off@11:45 AM

Friday, February 21, 2003

If you could spend one whole night alone with anyone in history, whom would you choose?

Now the question really is should I be noble or truthful... I'll go with truthful. If it was to be alone, I'd pick Janet Jackson. If I could have a guest, I'd pick Harry Caray and bring my Grandpa.

If you could commit one crime without being caught, what crime would you commit?

Definitely a robbery or scam of some sort. Money sucks, but if I had some it would rock.

f you had to select the sexiest word in the English language, what would you pick?

Well, not to be weird but I love the word "Concur." "Delectable" is a great word too.

If you had to name the one thing that most frightens you about growing old, what would it be?

Not being able to take care of myself and nobody being there to take care of me either.

If you could have any view in the world visible from your bed, what would it be?

Other than the view into Larry's eyes... The Chicago Skyline or The Eiffel Tower.

If you could have anyone in the world say one romantic thing to you, what would it be, and who would utter it?

Ugh the person is easy, the words I wouldn't care. Larry would be the person and the words would be truthful words that he cares about me.

If you had to confess one thing about your love life to your mother, what would you say to her?

My mother knows pretty much everything about my love love (or lack thereof) so there isn't anything to tell her.

If you found out for certain there is a Heaven and a Hell, how would you change your life?

I wouldn't change my life at all. I already try to be a good person so I'm copacetic.

If you could run any single company, institution, or organization in the world, which would you choose?

I'd run the Chicago Cubs. Go Cubbies!
+switched off@5:13 AM


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